Call for EOI – Developing An Audio-Visual Documentary for Women in the Agri-Food System

Food Rights Alliance|Press Release|Call for EOI – Developing An Audio-Visual Documentary for Women in the Agri-Food System

About the Assignment

Globally, women play a vital role in agriculture worldwide, making up approximately 43% of the global agricultural labor force (FAO, 2018). This trend is even more pronounced in Africa, where women constitute nearly half of the farmers and provide over 70% of the agricultural labor force (AWLO, 2020). Additionally, women greatly contribute to the agri-food system beyond provision of labor.

In Uganda, several women have greatly engaged in agribusiness and value addition, engaging in both small-scale and larger commercial agricultural enterprises, even venturing into male-dominated business. For instance, over 40% of fish farmers in Uganda are female, a sector that was traditionally male-dominated. This shift demonstrates the significant impact women are making in traditionally male-dominated sectors, contributing to increased agri-food system growth and economic development. Despite their efforts, women’s contributions beyond labor provision in agriculture remain largely unrecognized. In addition, women bear the greatest impact of food insecurity and malnutrition despite being the primary food producers. Further, women in various value chains face different context specific challenges, which have remained pertinent due to lack of context-specific interventions. Despite the challenges, women have the potential and power to contribute to the reduction of hunger and malnutrition, within the roles played at the various nodes of the agricultural value chain.

Hence, as a strategy to amplify women’s contribution to addressing hunger and malnutrition in Uganda, FRA is organizing to develop an audio-visual documentary under the theme, “The hand that feeds the world”. The documentary is aimed at showcasing the pivotal role of women in the agri-food system, their contributions to various agricultural value chains and their impact on agri-food system development. The documentary will also aim to amplify the voice and power of women in addressing hunger and malnutrition in communities while addressing the context-specific challenges they face in various value chains.  By highlighting their achievements and aspirations, the documentary will influence stakeholder responsiveness as well as mobilize support for policy reforms and investments that address gender inequalities in agriculture, fostering solidarity and collective action for a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable agri-food system.

Objectives of the assignment:

The overall objective of this assignment is to produce a documentary film featuring the stories and experiences of women in Uganda’s Agri-food system, showcasing in contribution to addressing hunger and malnutrition in communities. Specifically, the assignment seeks to;                                                                                              

  • Showcase success stories and lessons that illustrate the powerful hand of women in feeding communities.
  • Document and celebrate the achievements of women in the Agri-food systems.
  • Amplify women’s voices on the context-specific challenges they face and actions for their increased engagement in the agri-food system.

Expected Deliverables:

  • An Inception report consisting of a detailed script and storyboard for the documentary approved by FRA before filming begins.
  • A 15-30-minute documentary film in HD format with English subtitles showcasing success stories and experiences of women in Uganda’s agrifood system, highlighting their potential, achievements, and contributions.
  • A short version of the documentary (3-5 minutes) for social media and online platforms.
  • A written report summarizing the key findings, lessons learned, and recommendations from the documentary production process.

Contents of the bid

Information needed while submitting expression of interest includes;

  1. Letter of interest in regard to the TORs in this link: ToRs for Audio Visual Documentary on Women’s Experiences in the Agri FS.pdf
  2. Fill the Technical proposal (clearly showing the methodology, plan of action and interpretation of the TORs). Access the template from the link: Expression of Interest-Template.docx 
  3. Any comments/suggestions in relation to this consultancy
  4. Detailed profile of the applicant, indicative of previous relevant experience.

Statement Of Safeguarding:

According to FRA’s organizational value of accountability, it is our policy to safeguard all individuals involved in FRA’s work against risks of exploitation and abuse. FRA will not tolerate exploitative or abusive behaviors by anyone associated with the implementation of FRA’s work.

Submission of proposal

Interested consultants (individuals and firms) with experience in executing similar assignments are invited to submit their expression of interest/bids by  19th July 2024 with the subject field Documentary for Women in the Agri-food System addressed to; Executive Director Email: Only complete bids submitted by mail will be considered.

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