Call for EOI – Documentary Development on the State of Nutrition Service Delivery in Ugandan Communities

Food Rights Alliance|Careers|Call for EOI – Documentary Development on the State of Nutrition Service Delivery in Ugandan Communities

About the Assignment

Food Rights Alliance is looking for a documentarian to develop a documentary that captures the current state of nutrition service delivery in various Ugandan communities, focusing on the perspectives of both the community members and the service providers. The documentary, part of the Catalyzing Strengthened Policy Action for Diets and Resilience (CASCADE) project, will explore the challenges and successes in implementing nutrition-related policies, particularly for vulnerable groups such as women of reproductive age and children under five. By amplifying the voices of these populations, the documentary aims to inform and influence policy decisions at both local and national levels, promoting better accountability and responsiveness from the government in addressing malnutrition.

Objectives of the Assignment

Specifically, this assignment will require the facilitator;

  • Document and portray the state of nutrition service delivery in communities for evidence-based advocacy.
  • Amplify community perspectives on the level of access to nutrition services, related challenges, and opportunities at the household level.

Information needed while submitting an expression of interest includes;

  1. Letter of interest.
  2. Technical proposal (highlighting the interpretation of the terms of reference, methodology proposing the storyline and key pitch features of the assignment, and work plan among others. Indicate the art of film-making gear to be utilized).
  3. Active links to previous documentaries developed.
  4. Narration of the relevance of the different teams on the assignment.
  5. Any other innovations/suggestions concerning this assignment.
  6. Financial Proposal for the undertaking of the assignment detailing professional and operational costs.
  7. Detailed profile of the applicant, indicative of previous relevant experience and documentaries produced.

Statement Of Safeguarding:

According to FRA’s organizational value of accountability, it is our policy to safeguard all individuals involved in FRA’s work against risks of exploitation and abuse. FRA will not tolerate exploitative or abusive behaviors by anyone associated with the implementation of FRA’s work.

Submission of Proposal

Interested service providers with experience in executing similar assignments are invited to submit their expression of interest/bids by 9th September 2024 with the subject field “Expression of Interest-Documentary on the state of nutrition service delivery in communities.”

Addressed to; Executive Director, Food Rights Alliance through Email: Only complete bids submitted by email will be considered.

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