Food Rights Alliance|Press Release|Call for EOI – RETHINKING FRA’s BUSINESS TRAJECTORY

About the Assignment

Close to 25 years now, FRA has established itself as a champion advocating for the right to adequate food for all in Uganda and beyond. In this regard, FRA has fostered meaningful partnerships and driving impactful initiatives. However, the dynamic landscape of the development sector, coupled with the evolving context around food and nutrition as a development and human rights issue FRA sells, demands a strategic re-evaluation of the organization’s trajectory. To proactively address this, FRA is convening a two-day thought process meeting. This will bring together its founders, Board of Directors, management, and key stakeholders operating in the environment where FRA trades. The thought process meeting aims at taking stock of FRA’s journey from her philosophical point of view, the current operation, and projecting it into the future. It is designed for participating stakeholders to collectively chart a new course for the organization’s future growth and sustainability. This thought process meeting will facilitate a thorough self-assessment, allowing FRA to rediscover its strengths, confront its weaknesses, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. By doing so, the organization will emerge revitalized, equipped with a refreshed vision and a robust strategy to inform its future programs, remain relevant and competitive in the fast-changing context.

Objectives of the Assignment

Specifically, this assignment will require the facilitator;

  • To design appropriate tools that will creatively extract the most honest and deeply thought ideas from the participants.
  • Exploit creative methods of facilitating the thought process in a more practical and strategic manner.
  • Document the generated ideas in the most structured way to competitively give the organization a strategic outlook.

Information needed while submitting expression of interest includes;

  1. Letter of interest in regard to the TORs in this link: TORs for Rethinking FRA’S Business Trajectory pdf
  2. Fill the Technical proposal (clearly showing the methodology, plan of action and interpretation of the TORs). Access the template from the link:
  3. Any comments/suggestions in relation to this consultancy
  4. Detailed profile of the applicant, indicative of previous relevant experience.

Statement Of Safeguarding:

According to FRA’s organizational value of accountability, it is our policy to safeguard all individuals involved in FRA’s work against risks of exploitation and abuse. FRA will not tolerate exploitative or abusive behaviors by anyone associated with the implementation of FRA’s work.

Submission of proposal

Interested consultants (individuals and firms) with experience in executing similar assignments are invited to submit their expression of interest/bids by 18th July 2024 at 5.00 P.M EAT. Please quote “FRA thought process meeting to Rethink FRA’s business trajectory – on the subject line addressed to; Executive Director Email: Only complete bids submitted by mail will be considered.

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