Farm planning: The Neglected Miracle Approach towards Household Food Security

Food Rights Alliance|News Release|Farm planning: The Neglected Miracle Approach towards Household Food Security

The Farm Planning model is FRA’s original conceptualized approach which was further developed following “under the tree shed” discussions held with project beneficiaries in Soroti and Katakwi districts in response to the severe food insecurity situation they were facing coupled with social conflicts at household and community level which were increasing vulnerability to a spectrum of social conflicts like child trafficking, domestic violence among others.

FRA noticed that amidst all the limitations to the realisation of the human Right to Food, the collapse of the rural economy and absence of cash crops has raised the burden to food crops that doubles as food and income options at household and community level.

Unanimously consensus was built to come up with a model that recognises the two critical aspects of food and income at household level and devise a balanced solution to both challenges.

This model presupposes that food and the process of its production are prioritized in resource allocation including inputs, labour and time. The model further encourages separation of food and means of its production from production for other purposes to avoid conflict in its utilization, valuing food and processes of its production in order to realise maximum utilization.

Take a look at this model through first-hand experiences from our model farmers of its implementation, progress and therein its successes. Meet farmers FRA is working with in Soroti and Katakwi Districts, learn about their lives, challenges and ways they have been able to overcome them using this model.





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